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Dear editor in chief.

Yesterday I was reading a magazine -your magazine- while waiting for my coffee, the girl approached, put the coffee with some croissants on my table and left. To my shame, i didn't notice her, was too involved in a single line of your last editorial: What is your hobby? A simple and flat question, but not to my eyes. I can't help but wonder about what kind of person ask it. It's someone intelligent? Someone with a really deep understanding of the human nature or just the typical monkey behind a typewriter. I can assure you that one honest to god smile cameforth to your inquiry, simply because it is one of those easy to answer question using a triviality, difficult to answer with the truth.
I suppose that if you force me to answer with nothing but the truth I would have to admit, with the proper amount of blush on my cheeks, that I like to look at the people, please take note that i am not a stalker, it's just that I have to describe myself as a rather avid observer, with attention to detail and all.
I like to look at people, especially on my job, sitting on a folding chair for countless hours, drinking coffe and killing cigars in the ashtray, just waiting for the phone to ring, I would have turn crazy long ago ago if I wouldn't found the way to kill some time.
But from my hobby something really good came up. I learned something while observing these biological machines, well first i came up with a game: Guess what it will do now?
From that game i discovered that all this elaborated, commercialized and consumed idea of freedom is -for most of these poor bastards- fundamentally, a lie . A lie that may or may not be true, that's the beauty of the whole subject. A true lie.
Before you burn your brains trying to imagine something like that, let me add something, whatever you imagine, it will be wrong. If you think about it, it's a beautiful "oxymoron". Freedom is a farse because to practice it you must be aware of what you do and stop doing, you must fully understand each of your actions from its very root and do not get me wrong, I always said that true freedom is real, a primordial part of what reality is. The problem lies in the excuses that the lower minds use to escape from the weigth of freedom. They fall before these supposed "plots" of great powers that try to brainwash or enslave them, they turn themself into beings without a real opinion, without control over their lives. Thats nothing short of stupidity, written by failures that do not know/want to take control of their lives. Like those pocket intellectuals of the social networks, reading only what supports their ideals and burning the rest! -Oh! The irony!- They call themselfs: left, right, pro-life, pro-choice, feminist, pro-system, anti-system.
But what you call "the system" is just the playing field and not some godwritten rules, please, accept it once and for all.
They meet failure without being able to realice that they act as the system expects them to act, when trying to escape, when trying to think and act outside of the box, they only succeed -in a beautiful way if you ask me- to prove that they are wrong. They do not realize that the system is not a box, but actually many, each box is full of boxes and the fact that you can "get out" of the box only confirms this. You can -with ease- point out all the poor bastards who buy a t-shirt with the face of Che Guevara or someother communist symbol, ironically, they are being part of a capitalist market with them as their target. The same can be said of those really patriotic friends, they really love their flag, made in china. Sweet irony. This is the same for freedom. To be free, you must be aware of what you are, truly aware, also accept what you can and can't do and that each of your actions has an effect on the great cosmic pool that is this life, each action is a small or a large stone that falls on water. You will imagine that with so many rocks that big pool is not calm at all. And thats life my friend, actions that modify our actions in one way or another. The real freedom lies in understanding this, accepting it and continuing to live.
Life is not easy and most decide to live thinking it is. I honestly ignore the reason behind such a stupid decision. "They" only decide not to question that, to take the world as it was presented to them, without thinking, without asking, they only assimilate it and call it true. Luck, Destiny, God, Influence of the stars, Reptilians or Super corporations that plan to dominate the world. Of them depends our world, our lives and not on us. I bet that sounds better than the truth. I suppose everyone is free to believe in whatever one wants, even when those beliefs take away their freedom.
Especially when they take away their freedom.
That knowledge is the reason I became so good at my job, also it's why i had an eureka moment some years ago. I was looking the people on the street with my modern spyglass when i learned something that saddens me: "People" lives by a manual.
The "manual" depends on many things, such as their upbringing, the books they had read, the books they don't, their general education, but above all these things, of something greater, something with more force than those preconceived ideas of a man's life being the direct and ultimate result of those first twenty years of his life. Those who affirm that are the failures or the "intellectuals" who seek to justify mediocrity by blaming society. I discovered a truth, a sad truth, that goes beyond. Are you ready?  Our life depends on ourselves -Surprising, right?-.
It depends on our decisions, our actions, it depends on how much we want to be ourselfs.
For the rest the world you have that manual that handles their lives or that simply points to the people or entities that will do it. Manuals that dictate the routine of each of them, from how they go to work, to where they stop to eat, what and why. What they believe in, how they think, how they feel. So many "children" blame the manual and I can only feel sorry for them, I can only look at them straight in the eye and say: Do not blame the manual, blame yourselves for accepting it. Blame your weakness for letting yourself be destroyed to that point.
To the point of acting ...
In automatic, each and every one of "them" lives like this, in automatic. I say "them" because I do not know if "you", whoever reads these words, also do it. And no, do not let the fact that you are a reader of newspapers, books and intellectual publications make you think that you are beyond this fundamental flaw of the human being. Maybe you are also, a zombie, a computer that acts according to a list of things to do. That is why I refer to them as "them" or "those", maybe you are, or not, so I consider that these words can be one of two uses for you; 1: A call to wake up; 2: A lesson in what you should never do to yourself.
"They" are predictable, "they" are stupid. A person is a completely different topic, the problem is that there aren't many persons left, individuals are now an endangerd specie. But there are many people. There were many persons who decided to stop being individuals to become people, good people, bad people, that doesn't matter. Cuz people is predictable. And it's something that in my line of work I've learned to do, especially when it's a fundamental part of it.
For example; Look at this guy, for the last six days I've seen him come and go, always in the same old beige suit and dull shoes, with his eyes on the ground, dragging his feet in the mornings, when I guess he goes to work, but not so surprisingly walks with the same vigor when he returned in the afternoon. Two days ago it was the day of "bring your son to work" but he didb't bring anyone. I got curious so during one impromptu walk to the donut shop I passed by him and could not help noticing that he doesn't have a single ring in his hand, nor a scar, much less any characteristic feature added by life experiences. It was programmed that way, throughout his life he decided to accept what the rest thought of him, from his parents to his classmates, he let each and every one of his opinions form what he is today, unfortunately those opinions were nothing but positive. If forced to guess he was one of those people with an artistic mind, a characteristic completely undervalued by his parents, repudiated by his peers and misinterpreted by his teachers who were unable to see beyond their own mediocrity. If I have to bet would that say he did not grow up in the city, he was born and raised in a small town, one of those that still linger in the 20th century. His parents decided that the life of an artist was not for him, that he deserved better, had to be someone "normal", he decided to listen to them. And being a person of unique thinking is not difficult to guess that he ended up in an office job that hates, earning a pittance to make his boss buy a new car every year. But it's not the boss's fault, it's just that he's just not good at what he does, it's almost like wanting to screw a chair using a rock. The wrong tool for the task. That is why this could be the best thing that ever happened to him, it may be the wake up call that leads him to recover his life.
We can also see the perfect opposite, cigar in the mouth, practically finishing learning to smoke without coughing or looking like a complete idiot, a skinny boy in a leather jacket that fits him, tight jeans, expensive and large shoes, hair full of hairspray and tinted in three shades of pink that I do not have the slightest intention or desire to learn to differentiate. I always see him in the same place, the alley that is at the side of the donuts shop, pretending to be the badass punk of the block for hours. Actually that doesn't seem to be his place of chose to spend every morning, I think that they chose the place for him. He is usually alone or accompanied by others who dress completely like him, with spiky hair but of different colors. They skip school to spend their mornings laughing at the people passing by, provoking them, intimidating them, smoking, but until now they have never said anything to the police, every tipe a cop walked in front of them they just kept quiet hiding their eyes in their expensive last generation cell phones -It's so funny that it's sad-. This fashion to fight against the system, to rebel against their parents, against society, to paint walls with messages of anarchy and rebellion, to be free without accepting consequences or duties, to be free to do what you want while keep sucking from the teat of your mother, a whole case for Freud to writte two more books. Want me to guess? He never felt hungry, must come from a ordinary and average middle-high class family, his parents gave him everything he ever wanted, but never a proper slap, must be the only child or at least the youngest of the siblings. And the only reason he has for this behavior is that he is bored
That's why he came up with this whole idea of rebelling against the system or rather, copied it, like his friends, without noticing the most comical aspect of all this, wanting to be different they all became the same. Acting the same, acting from a manual.
He will run, shout, beg to the police as soon as he sees the red rush. If he is smart will realize that he is wrong, that the system is not the enemy, is not the monster that makes this world the shit hole it is. The actual monster is the man with the rifle.


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Lobos / 02. Desobediencia.

El pasillo que seguía era largo, mucho más oscuro que la planta baja y estaba desierto, pocas puertas habían a los lados, dos a la izquierda, una tapiada a la derecha y al final una sola puerta de metal con un cartel que rezaba "Division Fenrir". El murmullo de la conversación al otro lado fue creciendo mientras se acercaba y al abrirla se transformo en las risas e insultos de tres hombres jugando a las cartas. Norte, Silencio y Trancos jugaban a las cartas sobre uno de los escritorios, naipes ingleses y dinero en el centro de la mesa, un termo, una bolsa de bollos dulces y una botella de vodka a un lado. Silencio parecía estar ganando, aunque los otros dos tenían sus dudas sobre como lo hacia, el viejo siberiano mantenía sus cartas cerca del cuerpo y su pequeña montaña de monedas igual de cerca. Lo recibieron levantando sus jarros de metal invitándolo a que se una a la mesa. Se negó a ser estafado con una sonrisa, tomo uno de los bollos y siguió caminando hacia su escrito

Vete a la mierda Matt

Mi vida son cosas que no puedo olvidar y cosas que no quiero recordar. Soy culpable de las malas y de las buenas Cada decision me abrio un tajo más Nunca supe querer, mucho menos odiar, Mi maximo dolor fue no aprender a llorar y cuando confese que me asustaba amar. Lo que escuche vete a la mierda, Matt. Como puedo saber que hacer con el amor Si fue la soledad la que me enseño A ser un idiota, caminando sin destino A marcar con sangre cada parada del camino Haz que cada tajo sea tu maestro Ama tu dolor, estaras más solo que el resto. Despertar es aceptar que nos vamos a herir Los desamores no te matan, enseñan a vivir. Y sangrando otra vez comence a renguear La meta era solo hasta donde pueda aguantar Avanzar hasta sangrar todo ese dolor O hasta encontrar algo me devuelva el color Si soy el imbecil que me orgullese ser Es gracias a la vida que me toco tener Y si al final estare solo en mi ataud Porque tengo que regalar mi gratitud? 

Entre una roca y algo muy duro.

 -Algún día, tal vez mañana- Días sucios y grises te van comiendo el mundo Frió inmundo que te empaña el alma La armada calma sera solo un sucio destino El peor desatino para un arma cargada Tu alma aterrada en un viejo laberinto Sin ahincó, sonrisas, lagrimas o deseos Se pregunta que tan feo puede ser estar perdido? Un rey caído en la peor desgracia Piensa si la eutanasia es un golpe de la suerte O peor seria que la muerte nunca te busque Tal vez se ofusque porque ya estas muerto Sera acaso cierto que aun deseas sentir O sera solo el decir de un viejo mentiroso Eres tan orgulloso de no aceptarte perdido O ya haz decidido que no tienes cura? Esperando desgracias futuras ríes con fuerza Aun cuando te retuerza el cuello un gigante Sonreirás triunfante porque ya no sientes nada Ni la magia de las hadas ni el toque de los santos Derritiran tu grueso manto de hielo Y ni el negro duelo ni la hermosa dicha Le meten fichas a tu corazón cansado Ese que bajo c